Wednesday, July 14, 2010

October Auction by Robert Koehler

Retaining its poignant abundance,
behind the family home,
an ancient barn is listed as scrap.

An unharvested cornfield rustles
in the far back seats,
muttering its raspy disapproval.

Before the bidding can get started,
a rising wind carts away
that rust colored carpet of leaves.

Filled with the same impish wind,
prim church dresses
on the clothesline begin to tango.

Yellow jackets escalate the price
when hands are raised
in a vain bid to brush them away.

Common as frost, the auctioneer
wisely lets those geese
passing overhead go for a song.

Robert Koehler is a friend of mine. He is a medical librarian at Meriter Hospital, Madison, WI.. We talk sports, news, life and of course books. I overheard one of the head doctors describing Robert as a World class librarian. Not only is he that type of librarian but also an individual.
I'd better mention his assistant Sharon, she is world class too.